Solopreneur Consulting Services


Build Your Business Together

Our consulting work for solopreneurs is available in person and over the phone or internet. We offer single sessions at 30, 60 or 90 minutes, as well as multiple-session consulting packages, both short and long term. It’s easy to begin the process! Just fill out the simple intake form below. Feel free to go into detail regarding your current situation and where you would like your business to be in the future. After we receive your information, we’ll contact you to set up a call so we can discuss rates and the next steps we need to take. To get started, click the button below and fill out our Intake Form.

 [button link=”” linking=”default” size=”medium” type=”divider” title=”Intake Form” text_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#9d032b”]Intake Form[/button]

Are solopreneur business consulting services  right for you?

  • Have you tried — multiple times — to make a living from your creative work only to run out of time, energy and money?
  • Have you almost given up and turned your creative love into a hobby and taken a day job to support yourself?
  • Have you been told all your life that you do wonderful work, but you should get a business degree to fall back on?
  • Are you afraid to charge your customers what you’re really worth?
  • Does marketing overwhelm you because you don’t know what to say about yourself and you can’t identify your audience?
  • Are you working too many jobs just to get by and have no time left for your creative work?
  • Are you a generalist who has a hard time focusing on one career path because you worry about lost work or opportunities elsewhere?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please contact us.

What to expect when you work with a BSR facilitator:

  • A clear focus on your career path.
  • A purpose statement you can use to attract the right customers.
  • An understanding of how you currently spend your time, how you should spend your time, and a transition plan to help you use your time resources to your best advantage.
  • Support for the sometimes difficult and scary changes needed to succeed as a solo and creative entrepreneur.
  • Money management tips and “right pricing” for your goods and services.
  • An understanding of how to evaluate potential opportunities and customers.
  • A calendar of marketing activities.
  • Tools you can use daily to move forward in your career.

I want to work with Jackie B. Peterson!

To learn more about how you can work with Jackie, fill out the form below.

[gravityform id=”6″ name=”New Contact Form” title=”false”] [/two_third] [one_third_last]jackie-picJackie B. Peterson, the founder of Better, Smarter, Richer, has been a business owner, CPA, consultant, writer and coach for over 30 years. The principles she outlines in her book, Better, Smarter, Richer: 7 Business Principles for Encore, Creative, and Solo Entrepreneurs, have helped hundreds of individuals achieve personal and financial success. Traditional business models advise solo entrepreneurs to hire others to create the original product or service. Yet solos almost always want to remain the creator of their own product or service. Jackie wants to help solo and creative, and encore entrepreneurs succeed in business without giving up their art or the work they love–and, as an encore entrepreneur herself, she has a special passion for people looking to redefine retirement! Learn more about her here.

Who Do We Work With?

We work with solopreneurs, including creative and encore entrepreneurs, who want to make a living from their art or craft. Our clients include:

  • Photographers
  • Graphic Designers
  • Writers
  • Fine Artists
  • Performance Artists
  • Jewelers
  • Fashion Designers
  • Actors
  • Casting Directors
  • Seamstresses
  • Mediators
  • Web Designers
  • Coaches
  • Trainers
  • Chefs
  • Caterers
  • Therapists
  • Counselors
  • Financial planners
  • Chocolatiers
  • Massage Therapists
  • Acupuncturists
  • CPA’s
  • Organizers