Better, Smarter Richer
self-guided Online Course
Better, Smarter, Richer is now available to you right on your desktop. If you work as a solo, encore or creative entrepreneur, YOU are the business. So traditional business advice, built around managing employees (not to mention losing your creative passion) won’t work for you.
This online workshop has audio guidance, content, tips and activities to help you “be the business.” If you’ve been struggling with how much to charge, who to sell to or how to find enough time, this will get you straight. It’s built around stories from people who successfully did just what you want
to do.
$150.00Read more
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Video Tutorials
Better, Smarter, Richer Tutorial: How to Find Your Perfect Customer
[/column-third-1][column-third-2-3]In this 8 minute video Jackie shows you how to market to people who really want to buy what you are selling. She demonstrates on the white board how to identify characteristics of your perfect target customer and then explains what you need to do to focus your marketing efforts. If your marketing hasn’t brought people pounding at your door, this lecture from Jackie will help you focus on the customers who are critical for your business success.
[/column-third-2-3]$10.00Read more
Better, Smarter, Richer Tutorial: How to Establish Yourself as an Expert
[/column-third-1][column-third-2-3]In this 13 minute video, Jackie B Peterson coaches you on how to overcome scarcity thinking, and share your knowledge and experience as you build a following for your expertise. She also encourages you to stop the video, and do a writing exercise that will help you find the right path for your expertise. This is a critical step to build a business whether you are a creative, a solo or an encore entrepreneur. Are you ready to become the expert you want to be?
[/column-third-2-3]$13.00Read more
Better, Smarter, Richer Tutorial: How to Charge What You’re Worth
[/column-third-1][column-third-2-3]In this 20 minute video lecture, Jackie B Peterson shares her expertise on charging the appropriate price for your product or service. To help you set your pricing, she explains how to establish your budget, how to focus on your niche and how to establish your unique value proposition. As a solo business, you need to make a living doing what you love–and Jackie will guide you to success.
[/column-third-2-3]$20.00Read more