“7 Blocks to Living the Creative Life: Part VII” by guest blogger Donn Rochlin

Playing Piano

We are thrilled to be featuring a seven-part series of guest posts by coach Donn Rochlin of Living the Creative Life. This is the last installment, but make sure to go back and re-read the previous ones! 

All human beings are born with the gift of creativity. It is either developed or lost through lack of use. Following is the seventh of seven blocks that often show up for those who choose the creative path. Each block is seeded with an inspirational perspective to give encouragement and hope.


“Stuck in the Story.” When I am stuck in the story of my life, I condemn myself to limitation and strife. When the platform for my life becomes a “broken record,” I reinforce stagnation and block new energy, opportunities, and inspiration. As a creative being, I can write a new story! According to the Universal Law of Attraction, I will draw to me that which I focus on, that which I give voice to, and that which I ask for. This is cool! This means the story of my life can have any title I want and any plot I dream up, with all kinds of characters running around loving me, supporting me, and playing with me. I can even change my past. Whenever I fall into the false belief that I am this way or that way because of my parents or my second-grade teacher or my ex-wife, I can rewrite the story. Everybody did the best with what they had. When I let everybody off the hook for what “they did to me,” I am free to create something new. The Law of Attraction teaches me that every person and situation that riles me is an indicator of what I don’t want. The cure is to focus on those opposite things that I do want. I cannot tell both stories at the same time. It comes down to the discipline of turning away from victimization, resentment, and fear, and seeking their opposites. And these are EMPOWERMENT, FORGIVENESS, AND COURAGE. By changing my story, I change my now and my future.

donn rochlin

Donn Rochlin coaches artists, musicians, writers, performers, speakers, and entrepreneurs at Living the Creative Life, and has been a professional musician for over 25 years. You can reach him at 503-539-9153 or donnroc [at] ccountry [dot] net.

We are thrilled to be featuring a seven-part series of guest posts by coach Donn Rochlin of Living the Creative Life. Check back each week for the next “block”…and advice on overcoming it.

All human beings are born with the gift of creativity. It is either developed or lost through lack of use. Following is the first of seven blocks that often show up for those who choose the creative path. Each block is seeded with an inspirational perspective to give encouragement and hope.

– See more at: http://us70.siteground.us/~ageisopp/bettersmarterricher.com/radio-guests/7-blocks-to-living-the-creative-life-part-i-by-guest-blogger-donn-rochlin/#sthash.xLRfXkV4.dpuf