Hello everyone. Just a reminder about my weekly radio show at SoloPro Radio, it’s happening today. This is a radio show dedicated to giving solopreneurs a voice. Solo Pro Radio provides a place for solopreneurs to unite, be heard and build community.
Today my guest is Jake French. Jake is involoved in my mastermind group and is making huge progress in his career as a motivational speaker solopreneur. Jake is a dynamic young speaker who is a living example of why a positive attitude is everything. After graduating form University of Idaho, he started his dream job working as a forester, in an instant his life was turned upside down when he sustained a devastating spinal cord injury because of someone else’s reckless decision. Jake believe’s in the spirit of the solopreneur. Join me today and get the motivation you need to overcome any obstacles in your life.
Tune in today at www.w4wn.com at 10 AM PST.
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