The Traveling Business: Using Technology to go Mobile

I am far from being a technology guru of any kind.  In fact a lot of today’s technology not only baffles me, it outright scares me.  But the most wonderful thing happened this spring!  My sweet husband and I decided to take a seven week trip to Savannah, Georgia and pick up our little travel trailer that has been living there at our son-in-law’s home since August, 2010.  We had traveled with it for three months in 2010 and left it in Savannah after a trip down the Appalachian Mountains.  We stopped in Savannah and were ready to take a rest. We came home and left the trailer in Savannah.  Now it was time to bring her home.

But, as we were planning the 2012 Odyssey to pick up the trailer, we realized life had become more complex.  I had made a commitment to do  a weekly radio show, Better Smarter Richer on, solo  pro radio (Be sure to tune in- every Wednesday AM at 10:00AM PST)  And, the show must go on- no matter what.

So, I decided that I would try taking advantage of technology and see if I could have a mobile business – and a mobile radio show.  I loaded Skype on my IPad.  I bought some great ear buds with tiny mic.   I practiced, calling into the radio station using my new technology on my final show from my home office.  Then, feeling very adventurous, I headed out.

I am thrilled with the results.  We did radio shows from Rock Island, Ill (middle of the Mississippi river), Kennedy Space Center, Biloxi Mississippi, Lubbock Texas, Santa Fe New Mexico and Price Utah.  It was great.  My biggest concern was to make sure my phone in the radio station timing was in line with the show schedule of 10:00AM PST   (I kept checking my iPhone Clock for the correct Portland, Oregon time!)

I gained a lot of confidence as the weeks passed.  I know I can keep in touch via email and blog.  I know I can present the principles of BSR in any city and find a group that resonates with the needs of solopreneruship.  I know my newsletter reaches readers across the country. I know we can hold a meaningful study group series via phone.   But now I also know that I can take the radio show on the road.  I think this technology is ok after all!


PS….. Our Mastermind phone series even took place on the road!  Is your business mobile?  Do you know how to use the tools to make it mobile?  It might just be your ticket to a summer adventure.  Share what you use to keep you mobile?