William Cohen launches Cohen Caregiving Support with Jackie’s help

After helping his mother who had Alzheimer’s, William Cohen wanted to help others going through the same thing. Jackie’s insight and expertise helped him with his business.

Name of Business:
Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants LLC

Years in Business:
5th Year

What the business does:
Provides family caregivers with a person living with dementia advice, support, and resources. By collaborating with other trusted professionals, I help clients reduce stress, manage care and behaviors, and practice self-care.

How/why you started:
After about 10 years of being my mom’s caregiver on an exhausting Alzheimer’s journey, I turned my personal loss and pain into my passion and “encore career” to help others and keep active.

What were you doing before?
I worked for 25 years for the State of Oregon. My formal title: Operations and Policy Analyst, CDL Third Party Inspector. I ensured compliance with rules and procedures, and that examiners properly conducted skills tests for a license to operate large trucks and buses. I performed compliance inspections statewide but also oversaw the program and wrote regulatory rules.

What is working now?
I like to say I am happier than I used to be, healthy as I try to be, and busy and productive as I want to be.

What are your successes?
It is gratifying to have helped numerous clients and support group attendees realize they are not alone; support and resources are available. They can feel less stressed and overwhelmed. I am proud of my reputation as a compassionate, empathetic Certified Senior Advisor ®, volunteer, and advocate, a subject matter expert and speaker, and a connector and networker. I am recognized nationally, not only in our region. For example, my Facebook community has over 550 members in most states and provinces and from countries on six continents. (Link below)

What are you still working on?
I continue to expand my ability to help family caregivers.  I collaborate with service providers locally and nationally. I’m doing that through the FB group and other social media including Instagram, LinkedIn, and Clubhouse, guest appearances on podcasts, and being found via my website. I became an “emale” with eWomen Network and am connecting with female entrepreneurs and caregivers in chapters in the US and Canada

Smiling man wearing glasses and a blue shirt and dark jacket

Bill Cohen founded Cohen Caregiving Support after being a caregiver for his mother.

Lessons learned/Take away/Advice:
I entered the senior care field with very little recognition.  My consulting business is rare nationally and non-existent locally. I leveraged LinkedIn to build my network, do my research, develop my business plan.  Then I started marketing my LLC even before my formal retirement. I became very active in our community and industry, making connections, getting involved, and taking on leadership roles. I got out, met a lot of people, and had fun. Between meeting and advising, volunteering, and networking, I continue to build and nurture my connections. It’s gratifying work.

How did Jackie help you?
From attending one of her classes, following her on social media, and networking in a senior care service group, I learned from and was inspired by Jackie’s insight and expertise.
