Last week at the fourth Better, Smarter, Richer study group session of the latest BSR cohort, one of the members, a very talented ceramics artist, staked her claim in the ceramics marketplace.
I am a Master of My Craft! she said with great conviction and enthusiasm.
And, she is. But she had never before said out loud a claim of her own expertise and skill. It was a stunning moment. I grabbed one of her business cards and wrote across the back,” Master Ceramics Artist”. Think of what a difference that can make. As a master she does not need to worry about price because she is without doubt delivering expertise and high quality. She does not need to worry about finding clients because her clients will be those who are looking for the best artists- and her referral sources will help the right clients find her. Are you the best? Do you let others know how good you are? Speak up now. Claim what is rightfully yours.