Interview with Masaki Fujimoto: Back in Japan, and reflecting on his Portland experience working at the Encorepreneur Cafe.

Looking for a different career, Masaki Fujimoto happened across a gerontology class at Portland Community College.  It was a good move. Before working for the Encorepreneur Cafe you worked as an editor.  Can you talk a little bit about what you were doing pre-Encorepreneur Cafe (EPC)? How did you get interested in working with seniors? Read More …

Interview with The Encorepreneur Cafe’s Erin Schmith: Enjoying an opportunity to work with retirees in a cross-cultural setting

Working for a small team that is responsive to the community it serves appeals to Erin Schmith of The Encoreprenuer Cafe.   What were you doing prior to working at The Encorepreneur Cafe? I had just graduated with my Master’s in Arts Management from the University of Oregon the year I started at the Cafe. Read More …

Elizabeth White’s book “55, Unemployed, and Faking Normal” is a coping guide to being jobless after 50

Recently on Paul Solman’s News Hour series Making Sense there was a story about Elizabeth White.  White recently self-published a book, 55 Unemployed, and Faking Normal.  The book is road map to coping with current economic realities. 55, Unemployed, and Faking Normal contains themes which are relevant to Better, Smarter, Richer.  We reached out to White Read More …