A Note from Jackie: Do Your Homework!

autumn leaves

Well, it finally feels like autumn here in Portland, Oregon: pumpkin spice lattes are back on the menu at Starbucks, the leaves are turning red and gold…and the rain is pouring down.

But I have to admit that I love this season, rain and all. I get that old “back-to-school” feeling. I think back to buying school supplies when I was young, and going shopping for new school clothes with my kids when they were young. I get that burst of energy that makes me feel like something exciting is just about to start. I think we all do, and students—whether they’re in kindergarten or college—are lucky to be able to ride that wave of energy into the classroom. But as adults, especially if we’re not working in education, it can be hard to know how to channel this feeling, and we’re left feeling antsy and unfulfilled.

So every fall we offer solos the chance to go “back to school” when we dive into a new round of Better, Smarter, Richer study groups through Portland Community College (learn more here—we’re right in the middle of one four-week series, but we’re gearing up for another in November).

But this year, I decided that the study groups aren’t enough. I want to really support people in doing the work they love to do, and I want to do it in way that fits into their busy schedule…while still giving them that rush of “back to school” energy. That’s why I’ve decided to offer my online course for a special price of $150 throughout the month of October—which represents a savings of $49.99. Take a look at the free preview here.

And I’m just thrilled, because the online course is really gaining momentum. I was delighted to learn that it has been endorsed by the American Society of the Alexander Technique’s Continuing Education Committee, who said “We feel the Better, Smarter, Richer program addresses the need for a structured business model that is sorely needed in the education and success of an Alexander Technique Teacher” (read more by scrolling down to the bottom here!) The national conference just happened earlier this summer, and I was so happy to learn that Alexander Technique practitioners across the nation have found the online course to be such a valuable tool.

So thank you, AmSAT! And thank YOU for riding the wave of energy “back to school”–and really doing your homework when it comes to getting Better, Smarter, and Richer.

Happy studies!