It’s time to make the leap!
Traditional employment is fading fast.
Now is the time to focus on your business startup
For more than two decades, ‘Solopreneurship’ has quietly been on the rise. Also called, independent work, freelancing or sometimes contract work. Check out this recent article in Fast Company Magazine.
Studies show that Solos make up more than 40%. That number is increasing steadily. It’s estimated that number with surge past 50% by 2020.
In the next 25 years, the workforce will accelerate towards entrepreneurship, independent contracting and “peer to peer” collaborating (we call that “the Waterbug™ model”). Now is the time to focus on your business startup.
Unfortunately, potential entrepreneurs are not sure what to do with this new found independence. Their first question is “What can I do?”.
In my new Best Beginnings: Start Your Business Right webinar program, we devote a lot of time to that question. The first webinar is Titled What Should I Do? With 9 accompanying work sheets, it helps you answer that question. (It is a bargain at $39.95.)