Sylvie Menegon credits Jackie for business tips

Menegon Company was up and running before owner Sylvie Menegon started working with Jackie.  Now she has more knowledge to boost her French Caramel Sauce business. Sylvie Menegon credits Jackie for business improvement tips and ideas. Name of Business: MENEGON Company. How many years in business: 2 years and 3 months. What the business does: Read More …

Solo Business Stories: How do you make a positive impact on the community? Kim Flick does this with business coaching

Kim Flick says entrepreneurs need support and symbiotic relationships.   So she coaches businesses to help them grow. Name of Business:  Mighty Epiphyte Consulting. How did you come up with the name?  “Epiphytes are like orchids, bromeliads, primarily with air roots.  Some ferns are also epiphytes.  It’s a metaphor.  Entrepreneurs are like epiphytes, they need support Read More …

A Tip from Jackie: Just Say No to Mission Creep!

Welcome to our new “A Tip from Jackie” series! She’ll be sharing all of her favorite tips and tricks for solos, encores, and creatives over the next few months, so check back often. One question I get from many of my clients is “So how do I know it’s Mission Creep?” Mission Creep happens when Read More …